Key Features
Vitamin E - The Master Antioxidant*
Antioxidants, renowned for their ability to safeguard the body against the detrimental effects of daily wear and tear, play an important role... -
Tocopherol-Free Vitamin E Supplement*
Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement is a game-changer in the market of Vitamin E products. Unlike most supplements that contain a... -
50X Faster than Tocopherols*
DeltaGold™ Tocotrienol has better absorption than the products with mixed tocopherols Vitamin E. The main reason for this is the structure of... -
Annatto Tocotrienol vs Palm Tocotrienols*
When compared with other sources of tocotrienols, such as Palm, annatto derived Vitamin E supplements have always turned out to be the... -
The DeltaGold™ Formulation*
Picked from the lush-green Amazonian Forest, DeltaGold™ is extracted from the annatto seeds, with an all-natural process that is completely free of... -
Soft Gel Capsules for Better Absorption
When it comes to certain aspects, the Soft Gel capsules outshine the Hard-Shell shell capsules. These unique gelatin-based (clear, tasteless pure protein)...

What is Annatto?
The Annatto or the Achiote plant, originates from Mexico and South America. It is a captivating flowering shrub adorned with clusters of exquisite pink and white flowers. While the spiky fruit pods of the Achiote plant are not suitable for consumption, its seeds known as annatto, along with the red pulp encompassing them, offer a multitude of edible applications. Beyond their culinary significance, these seeds and pulp find purpose in cosmetics and medicine, further expanding the versatile nature of the Achiote plant. Annatto is the most potent form of Vitamin E tocotrienols which contains two specific isomers delta (90%) and gamma (10%) tocotrienols. DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols is patented by Dr. Barrie Tan is 100% tocopherol free, and therefore has better antioxidant properties than any other raw source of tocotrienols, such as palm and rice. ‘DeltaGold' is extracted from annatto plants by a unique technique. No solvents, petrochemicals, or synthetic chemicals are used in the extraction. Dr. Barrie Tan's discovery made it possible for us to have DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols & supplementation of Geranylgeraniol (GG) as GG-GoldTM. Fun fact: The annatto plant is also known as the 'lipstick plant' due to its common use as a natural food colorant in many foods worldwide.
What are Tocotrienols?
Vitamin E has eight related molecules: 4 tocopherols (alpha, beta, delta, and gamma) and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, delta, and gamma). Tocopherols have a molecular structure that contains a long phytal tail with double bond & a larger head reducing their capability. On the other hand, tocotrienols have a shorter head and a short farnesylated tail that improves health. Annatto tocotrienols are one of the best antioxidants that protect 37 trillion cells in the human body. The main reason for oxidation in humans is poor diet, smoking, & stress. With 50 times more protection than tocopherols, the Eannatto DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement has the ability to maintain overall cellular health.
Why should I take the Eannatto Tocotrienols supplement?
Eannatto is a master antioxidant that comes from the annatto plant. This tocopherol free Vitamin E supplement helps in maintaining better health. It combats free radicals and may even combat free radicals. The unique isomers delta and gamma tocotrienols sets it apart from other vitamin E supplements that contain tocopherols.
Why should I prefer Annatto-derived Tocotrienols over Rice or Palm since they are also a natural source?
Annatto, with 100% Tocotrienols, is Tocopherol-free, making it the most vital source of Vitamin E. Annatto is considered the "most significant Vitamin E-discovery of all time." Palm oil and Rice Bran Oil contain 25% and 50% Tocopherols respectively. Tocopherols do interfere with tocotrienol functioning when co-administered. It may hamper the absorption of tocotrienols in different organs.
How much Eannatto should I consume per day?
DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienol is safe. It is advisable to take 1-2 softgels with a meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Is Eannatto effective as an antioxidant?
The antioxidant power of DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienols is 50X higher than tocopherol. Tocotrienol usage with medicines usually has no contraindication, but it is wise to consult with your healthcare professional before starting any nutritional supplement plan.
Do I still need to eat antioxidant foods if I take Annatto DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement?
Tocotrienol supplements are not meant to replace antioxidant foods. They may enhance your diet for better health. Make sure to always try to eat a variety of healthy foods.
What are Tocotrienols annatto benefits?
Annatto seeds originated Vitamin is 100% tocotrienols (tocopherol free). It has amazing anti-antioxidant benefits.
Are tocopherols and tocotrienols the same?
No, Tocopherols and tocotrienols are not the same. The molecular structure of the tocopherols contains a long head and a phytal tail. However, tocotrienols have a shorter head and a farnesyl tail making it a better Vitamin E source. Thus, they get absorbed more easily than tocopherols.
Can I take tocotrienol and tocopherol together?
It is always better to take a good tocotrienol supplement with no tocopherol. Annatto-derived tocotrienols are the most effective vitamin E because they naturally lack alpha-tocopherols that interfere with tocotrienol functions.
Are Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols third party tested?
Eannatto DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienol undergoes rigorous third-party testing for quality and safety. It features a patented formula by renowned Vitamin E expert, Dr. Barrie Tan. Manufactured in GMP certified facilities, it meets stringent standards for production and quality control.
Do Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols contain alpha-tocopherol?
Eannatto DeltaGold Tocotrienols contains delta (90%) and gamma (10%) tocotrienols. It is completely free from tocopherols. Tocotrienols' exceptional antioxidant protection is far more superior to tocopherols and gives them the capability to fight free radicals that may cause harm to the body.
Is Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols a vegan product?
The current product is not suitable for vegans as it contains bovine gelatin in the softgel formulation. However, we are actively developing a vegan-friendly alternative, which will be available in the near future.
What is the full ingredient list of Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols?
The main medicinal ingredients of Eannatto are 90% delta-tocotrienol and 10% gamma-tocotrienol and other ingredients include bovine gelatin, glycerin, and purified water. Eannatto DeltaGoldTM Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement is derived from the Annatto plant (Bixa orellana). With 90% delta-tocotrienol and 10% gamma-tocotrienol, it provides exceptional antioxidant protection surpassing tocopherols.
Is Tocotrienol Better Than Tocopherol?
Yes, annatto-derived tocotrienols are 50X times more effective than tocopherols. Comparative analysis of both molecules (Tocotrienols and Tocopherols) reveal that Tocotrienols are the most effective form of Vitamin E ever! Tocopherols have larger head & longer tail which interferes with the movement of tocotrienols in the body. On the other hand, Tocotrienol has a smaller head, shorter tail allowing greater flexibility and mobility, which helps it in combating free radicals.
Which Tocotrienol Is Best?
Annatto-derived tocotrienols are the best Vitamin E isoforms - with 90% Delta, and 10% Gamma tocotrienols. The Annatto plant or Bixa orellana, provides the most potent antioxidants. It is the only plant with such a natural composition that provides 100% tocopherol free tocotrienols. When compared with other sources of tocotrienols (such as palm) annatto derived Vitamin E supplements have always turned out to be the winner. Palm as a source contains a mixture of 25% tocopherols & 75% tocotrienols that is derived from the oil of the palm fruit. In contrast, annatto as a source, contains 100% tocotrienols derived from the seeds of the annatto plant. This is one of the reasons that makes Annatto Tocotrienols a superior antioxidant and source of Vitamin E. When it comes to protection against oxidative stress & combating free radicals annatto tocotrienols may show better benefits than palm tocotrienols, as they have zero tocopherols. The alpha tocopherols in the palm derived supplements interfere with the function of tocotrienols endogenously. Thereby reducing the positive effect of tocotrienols in the body. Palm tocotrienols may not be easy to digest. While annatto tocotrienols have better bioavailability, meaning they are better absorbed and utilized by the body.
Is tocotrienol Vitamin E?
Yes, Tocotrienols are part of the Vitamin E family. Like other natural compounds these antioxidants are divided into two specific isoforms - tocopherols and tocotrienols These two isomers are subdivided into 4 sister vitamers each known as alpha, beta, gamma, & delta. However, the most effective isomers are delta & gamma tocotrienols. The reason is their unique structure which makes them 50x times more potent than the tocopherols. The molecular composition of tocopherols & tocotrienols are slightly different. The tocotrienols shift their composition to a farnesylated tail. This specific structure allows them to slower down the cholesterol synthesis with the help of a special enzyme present in our body. Thus, the Delta & gamma tocotrienols help in maintaining the overall body health. The main raw sources of tocotrienols are annatto, palm, and rice. Out of which annatto-derived tocotrienols are proven as one of the effective forms of Vitamin E pure tocotrienols (90% delta & 10% gamma tocotrienols). These master antioxidants combat free radicals in our body, providing amazing health benefits.
Is it safe to take Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement while breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding mothers must consult their doctors before starting any new supplementation.
Is it safe to take Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement while pregnant?
Pregnant women must consult their doctors before starting any new supplementation.
Is Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement Vegetarian or vegan?
It is not a vegetarian or a vegan product. Although Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols are derived from a plant source, extracted from Bixa orellana, a South American plant having the common name "Annatto." Other ingredients are bovine gelatin, purified water, and glycerine.
Can I take Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement if I have stents?
Consult your healthcare provider before adding DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols to your diet.
Can I take Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement if I have cardiac issues?
Even though Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement is a well-tolerated supplement. It is best to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement.
Is Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement useful to manage Cholesterolemia?
Even though Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement is a well-tolerated supplement. It is best to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement.
Can I take Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols with blood thinners?
There are no known interactions between Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols and blood thinner drugs; however, you should consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplementation.
What are the side effects of taking Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols?
Even though Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplement is a well-tolerated supplement. It is best to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement. If you feel any side effects then you may report them at customercare@wellnessextract.com.
Is Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols vegan friendly?
It is not. Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols is an annatto plant-derived Vitamin E supplement. It contains annatto-derived delta (90%) & gamma (10%) tocotrienols. Other ingredients are bovine gelatin, purified water, and glycerine.
What foods contain Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols?
The most abundant source of raw and pure Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols is Bixa orellana, a South American plant popularly known as Annatto. Other than Annatto, tocotrienols can be found in palm and rice.
How much Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols should I consume per day?
Ideally, 1-2 softgel capsules per day is recommended. Else, please follow your healthcare practitioner’s advice.
Does Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols contain any synthetic additives?
No, it does not! Wellness Extract Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols are a natural supplement derived from the Annatto plant. It does not contain any synthetic additives.
How is Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols extracted?
Eannatto DeltaGold™ Tocotrienols are extracted from the Annatto plant using a solvent and chemical-free technology extraction process innovated by Dr. Barrie Tan, who has been awarded a patent, DeltaGold™.